Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Useful Web Links
This page lists web sites that may be useful sources of information to Probians.
Probus South Pacific Phone (toll free) 1800 630 488
Website: www.probussouthpacific.org Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Probus
Website: www.probus.org
Health Information Sites
Health Matters – Library A – Z : www.abc.net.au/health/library/
( an expanding library of health / disease matters )
Queensland Health : www.health.qld.gov.au/
( Queensland Government’s Health website)
Australian Institute of Health & Welfare : www.aihw.gov.au/
( Australia’s premier health information reference. Includes access to “Australia’s Health” and “Social Health” )
Health Insite : www.healthinsite.gov.au/
( Australian Government Site to provide health information to the public )
Mesothelioma :www.mesothelioma.com the web’s leading resource for those affected by asbestos cancer.
www.asbestos.com/ (3000 pages of content relevant to asbestos related diseases)
https://www.mesotheliomalawyercenter.org/ Find a lawyer if you or a loved one is suffering from Mesothelioma
Therapeutic Goods Administration : www.tga.gov.au/
( Regulates Australia’s medicines, medical devices, blood, tissues and chemicals )
National Relay Service: http://relayservice.gov.au/
(Assists people who are hearing and/or speech impaired)
Assistance with Computing and the Internet
Brisbane Seniors OnLine : www.bsol.com.au
( A voluntary not-for-profit organisation to help over 50’s in the Brisbane Metro area learn the basics of computers and the internet ). They have a free quarterly email newsletter and seminars at various Brisbane Libraries
SeniorNet Assn. Inc. : www.seniornet.com.au
( An incorporated association of seniors in Ipswich, Queensland, Australia dedicated to helping seniors use computers and the internet )
Free Computer Tutorials : www.homeandlearn.co.uk
( Computer tutorials for the beginner )
General Information Sites
Dictionary :www.dictionary.com
Encyclopedia : www.enclyclopedia.com
National Library of Australia : www.nla.gov.au
State Library of Queensland :www.slq.qld.gov.au